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I Am Source

Afholdt event

I Am Source

Fra EUR 30,00



31 mar 2018 kl. 16:30 - 18:30


" Love says 'I am everything.' Wisdom says 'I am nothing.' Between the two, my life flows. "
- Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That

" ... The paradox ... reflects a higher level of intellect, by not forcibly representing the unknowable of the real state of affairs ... " C. Jung

[Facebook Event ]

Human, you definitely are, but also, you are infinite unexpressed potential. That is where everything comes from. That's where you will find infinite clarity, infinite wisdom, infinite wisdom, infinite love, infinite compassion, infinite well being, infinite joy, infinite creativity.

Source is the place that has no location. It is the moment that lies just beyond time. And we "only" need to shift our awareness to the right way to access it and reach all its wisdom and gifts.

Learn to Meditate
Meditation is the foundational block and I will introduce a simple and effortless technique that you'll be able to incorporate into your daily practice.

Breathwork + PandoraStar
To go one step further we'll combine breathwork, Pandora star light machine, and a guided meditation to facilitate the shift and expand our consciousness.

Talks of / from Consciousness & Q / A
My relationship with Source is very simple: I go, I know, I come back. I get the Big Picture, I ask questions, and I do not know the best of my abilities. I am learning a lot from my day and calling them to one day. The topic of the talk will change every time. If you have any question about the nature of your consciousness or your own experiences, that will be the space for you too.

PandoraStar is a device with 12 stroboscopic LEDs that emit flickering white light. The frequency of the flickering is measured in Hertz (Hz) and changes according to the program stimulating the brain in mirroring the same frequency.

While you keep your eyes closed, the light passes through your eyelids stimulating the optical nerve, generating an inner visual show of colors and patterns.

Not suitable if pregnant, had epilepsy or had seizures in the past, had eye / face laser surgery in the past months, have diagnosed psychiatric conditions. If you can not use the PandoraStar you can use a blindfold and use darkness instead of light. Feel free to ask any question on the matter.

AMIR KHADR - Way Beyond Me
Consciousness Hacker, Healer, Facilitator, Spiritual / Tantric / Men's Coach.

Holding an attitude of open-minded skepticism, curiosity, and pragmatism, he has explored a wide spectrum of practices from Tantra to biohacking, from brainwave training to energy healing, and meditation to plant medicines. He has found the shortcuts and wants to share them with you. His true calling is to accelerate improvements in the human experience.

email: amir@waybeyond.me
Facebook: Amir Khadr



Magistatera Magistatera, 42 avenue Général Leclerc, 45330 Malesherbes, Loiret


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