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Way Beyond - Unlock your inner widsom

evento terminado

Way Beyond - Unlock your inner widsom

De EUR 30,00



Mar 31 2018 14:00 - 16:00


The Pandora Star is a powerful device that helps you accelerate your personal development and spiritual growth.

If you have ever struggled with meditation, if you ever felt confused and not able to make decisions, or you ever had the desire to tap into the unlimited potential of your dreams, this event is for you.

I packed for you three amazing programs and guided sessions that will kickstart your spring and give you fresh energy!

1. Stillness - Guided Meditation to still the monkey mind. Find the place in you where clarity

2. Connect Within - Connect with your deeper wisdom and discover what is the most important thing you need to focus on in your life right now and how to get there.

3. Dream Yoga - Initiate a Lucid Dream while awake and manifest in your life what you need, knowledge, creativity, healing. Use the power of lucidity to understand recurring dreams, nightmares, or overcome phobias,

PandoraStar is a device with 12 stroboscopic LEDs that emit flickering white light. The frequency of the flickering is measured in Hertz (Hz) and changes according to the program.

While you keep your eyes closed, the light passes through your eyelids stimulating the optical nerve, generating an inner visual show of colors and patterns.

- Pen and Paper
- Bottle of Water
- Yoga Mat
- Blanket

You can not use the Pandora Star if:
- You are Pregnant
- You have had epilepsy or have had seizures in the past
- You have had Laser Eye Surgery in the last month
- You Have Diagnosed Psychiatric / Psychological Condition
- You Are Under Psychiatric / Forensic Treatment

AMIR KHADR - Way Beyond Me
Consciousness Hacker, Healer, Facilitator, Spiritual / Tantric / Men's Coach. Pandora Star Distributor

Holding an attitude of open-minded skepticism, curiosity, and pragmatism, he has explored a wide spectrum of practices from Tantra to biohacking, from brainwave training to energy healing, and meditation to plant medicines. He has found the shortcuts and wants to share them with you. His true calling is to accelerate improvements in the human experience.



Magistatera Magistatera, 42 avenue Général Leclerc, 45330 Malesherbes, Loiret


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