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Weekend Workshop avec Kino MacGregor

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Weekend Workshop avec Kino MacGregor

Da EUR 0,00



Ago 19 2017 08:00 - Ago 21 2017 17:00



8-10 am: Ashtanga Magic. Breath, Posture and Gaze

Delve into the secrets of the Ashtanga Yoga lineage, known as the Tristana method, and discover the magic of breath (pranayama), posture (asana) and focal point (dristhi). Break down the energetic alignment of key postures in the Ashtanga Yoga method and build the foundation for a meditative, awareness based practice. Starting off with the Sun Salutations and progressing through the Standing Postures, Kino guides you into a devotional practice that mergers the physical and subtle bodies and honors tradition while embodying the present. All levels.

12-2 pm: Be Strong

True strength in the journey of yoga begins with a decision to never give up. Enjoy challenging yourself to exceed your limits as you try fun arm balances, powerful lift- ups and develop a strong mind. Leave with solid technical instructions that unlock the keys to the strength poses of yoga. This class shows you how to practice safely and effectively along the inner path of strength. With a brave heart and a tenacious spirit the impossible becomes possible. Learn what it means to truly be strong and expect to sweat!


8-10 am: Ashtanga Yoga Full Primary Series

Surrender to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method with careful emphasis on the traditional vinyasa method and have fun along the journey. Experience the integrity and purity of the Ashtanga Yoga practice and be prepared to sweat.

3-5 pm: Be Flexible

If you think that flexibility just isn’t for you or feel blocked on key poses like forward bends or back bends this is the perfect class for you! Learn how to cultivate the calm and equanimous mind and tap into an inner state of infinite possibility. There is a place of infinite peace within; you just need to discover it. Instead of forcing your body into submission, change the paradigm and set yourself and your body free. Surrender is the magic word that opens the locked doors of the inner body. Dive deeply within and discover what it means to truly be flexible.


10-12pm: Mysore

Ashtanga self practice.

2-5pm: The Methodology of Teaching and the Magic of Hands-on Adjustments

Discover the paradigm of teaching Ashtanga Yoga through a careful analysis of lineage, tradition and effective communication. While verbal cueing and visual demonstration are wonderful, the physical body responds and learns through touch. Develop your kinesthetic intelligence to unlock the magic of hands-on assists and speak the honest language of the body. Maximize your effectiveness as a teacher and learn how to re- ceive as a student. Appropriate for teachers and students.


Luogo dell'evento

Ashtanga Yoga Paris, 40 ave de la Republique - code porte: 37194, 75011 Paris


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